Issue To Tackle
- Prevent Existing Buildings from Costly Repairs Imposed by Rapid New Development.
- Protection of Old Design & Create a Strick Code of Design & Uniformity to the Island, uninfluenced by New Developments.
- Form a Cooperative Union between Neighboring Municipalities of Surfside & Bal Harbour to share facilities & events together.
- Propose Overhaul of Website, Online Directory, to create Ease of Access & as a Result Create a more Civic Participation by All Residents of Bay Harbor Islands.
- Look at Creative & Unique Manners to Help Fund the Broad Causeway Replacement Bridge & Create a Most Impactful & Feature Fueled Construction Project
- Create More Strict Observances & Regulations Towards Irresponsible Developers on Both Islands so that Fees aren't the only thing to collect but also punish on construction times.
- Remove Sales Galleries & Help Promote New Businesses that All Residents Can Shop & Discover without worry to high prices of goods & services.
- Create a New Manner of Managing Traffic by Firstly Reworking the School Arrival & Dismissal Traffic Conditions by conducting Surveys & Encouraging Alternative Forms of Transportation with Safety First. Work with Local Municipalities to also Implement such protocols. After School Traffic Managed, create same manner schedule to manage High Volume Periods of Traffic Passage through the Island, especially Eastbound.
- Create New Activities & Events that Target Teens & Young Adults via Sports for Both Genders.
- Aim for New Developments to Help Create Funds & Act on Improving a large portion of our Town's Underground Insfratructure.
- Aim to Underground & Modernize Powerlines & Utilies on the West Island.
- Aim to Vote for A Brand New Town Hall that Prioritiezes Ammenities & "People Areas" against Parking Spaces taking all the square footage.
- Aim to Be Storm Resistant Protection for Hurricanes & Unsuspecting Out of Season Storms
- Aim to Vote in Approval to Create Appropiate Sidewalks on Both Islands to Create Safe Passage for Walking Across The Islands
- Promote Creation of Tree Program to Not Eliminate Our Natural Collaborating Vegetation in the Manner to Craete Sun Shade for Comfort Walking. For New Construction & Existing Construction.
- Aim to Work to Creating Alternative Trash Collection & Recycling System due to the upcoming issues the County faces currently.
- Aim to Provide and Expand Our Public Transportation System to Extend Farther Distance & Combine With Other Municipalities. Creating an Effective Network.
- Aim to Provide Transporation Options for Students that Travel to Secondary School without any hassle.
Paid by Dave Sanchez, Non-Affiliated, for Town Council of Town of Bay Harbor Islands, Florida.